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November 14
19-11-14 Getting ready for forces quiz
Today’s assignment from textbook: p. 110-112: 20, 37, 38, 39, 41 and 51. What you need to know for tomorrow’s quiz: Use of first five equations in your equation sheetDraw force diagramsEvaluate forces to determine balanced/unbalanced net forceSpecial circumstances/types of problemsSolve problems with pulleys (pulleys change direction of tension, not…Read More
Categories AP Physics 1, Unit 2: DynamicsTags force diagrams, forces, free body diagrams
November 14
11/13 Force diagrams: Two solved problems
Force diagrams, or Free Body Diagrams, are sketches we use in physics to show forces applied to an object or system of objects. Here are a couple of videos I created to help walk you through some complicated problems. I encourage you to pause them as you go through and…Read More
Categories AP Physics 1, Unit 2: Dynamics
November 13
19-11-13 Wed
For classwork and homework, complete problems 35-39, on page 112 of College Physics.
Categories AP Physics 1, Unit 2: Dynamics