Posts in this category

5/19 PitU: Layers of the Atmosphere
Assignment: Take notes as you go through this section, then submit a copy of your notes. Overview The atmosphere is layered, corresponding with how the atmosphere’s temperature changes with altitude. By understanding the way temperature changes with altitude, we can learn a lot about how the atmosphere works. While weather…Read More
5/18 PitU: Graphing atmospheric temperatures
Scientists have measured the temperature at different levels in the atmosphere, using airplanes, weather balloons, and other devices. The average temperature at different heights is given below. The layers of the atmosphere are named due to the trend of temperatures in each layer. Graph this data on paper or using…Read More
5/15 PitU: This week: Climate and physics
Acid and the ocean The average pH of the ocean is 8.1, which means it is on the base side of the pH scale (remember, less than 7 is acidic, greater than 7 is basic). When scientists talk about ocean acidification, they are actually talking about ocean ‘de-basicifiction’—but that doesn’t…Read More
4/29-31 PitU: Acid and base solutions
More coming soon! Definition of acids and bases In the simplest definition, acids are substances that when dissolved in water release hydrogen ions (H+), and bases are substances that release hydroxide ions (OH-). In chemistry class, you will dig deeper into acids and bases, and develop a more complete definition…Read More
4/22-29 Solutions Part 3: Solution Concentrations
This page explains how to calculate concentrations of solutions.
4/20-24: Part 2: Electrical conductivity and solutions
Review of Part 1 Substances are made of up small particles (atoms, molecules, ions) that can mix together and may or may not take up the same space after mixing. These particles have kinetic/thermal energy, and thus are always moving and/or vibrating. Solutions contain two parts. A solvent is the…Read More
4/20-24: Part 1: Solutions (multi-substance, not answers)
This week and next we will be studying solutions, as well as acids and bases. The science department considers this essential knowledge for your success in Biology next year, so please do your best to learn it. Remember, we are minimizing the content we are covering to help you through…Read More
4/8 PitU: EM Spectrum and Light; plus Doppler effect review
This week I will collect all your work from the first three weeks, and we will review Doppler effect. After spring break (which is next week), we will start into Acids and Bases, Chapter 4 in the textbook (I’ll post scans of the pages here shortly, in case you can…Read More
4/5 PitU: Survey to help with planning for the next two months
Please take a moment to complete the following survey. It is worth 10 points, just to encourage everyone to complete it 🙂 You will need to be logged in to your school Google account in your web browser to complete this survey. Hoping you and your families are safe and…Read More
4/1 PitU: Wrapping up the Electromagnetic spectrum
Next week we’ll be moving into “Phase 2” of our Learning at Home period. Vanden and the District have been hard at work ensuring that all students have devices and internet connections so your teachers can provide you with more opportunities to learn from home. The Physics Team has been…Read More