Today we watched a collection of videos relating to speed to get us ready for our next unit on motion.
11/21: Unit test on Forces
Today’s test covers what we have been reviewing this week: Forces!
11/20 Warm up force diagrams
11/19 Crossword puzzle review
Here is a word bank for today’s crossword puzzle
- Applied
- Balanced
- Buoyant
- Conductor
- Controlled
- Convection
- Convergent
- Core
- Density
- Dependent
- Distance
- Divergent
- Drag
- Elastic
- Electrical
- Energy
- Friction
- Furthest
- Gravity
- Horizontal
- Independent
- Insulator
- Interaction
- Kinetic
- Largest
- Learnphysics
- Loop
- Lower
- Magnetic
- Mantle
- Mass
- More
- Net
- Newton
- Normal
- Perpendicular
- Shell
- Smallest
- Static
- Strength
- Tension
- Transform
- Uranus
- Vertical
- Weight
- Yes
11/19: Answers to Earth Structure and Density Quiz
Quiz corrections are due on Thursday, 11/21. You must completely write out each problem you got wrong–both the question and all the answers–in order to get credit.
Remember that your version letter is bubbled in at the bottom, so if you can see the letter B, that means you have version A, and if you can see the letter A, you have version B.
Version A | Problem # | Version B |
D | 1 | D |
BCD | 2 | B |
B | 3 | D |
B | 4 | B |
ABC | 5 | ABC |
D | 6 | BCD |
B | 7 | B |
A | 8 | D |
AB | 9 | A |
D | 10 | AB |
The bonus point on this quiz was bubbling in D for number 15.
11/18 Answers to Force and force diagrams quiz
Quiz corrections are due on Wednesday. You must completely write out each problem you got wrong–both the question and all the answers–in order to get credit.
Remember that your version letter is bubbled in at the bottom, so if you can see the letter B, that means you have version A, and if you can see the letter A, you have version B.
Version A | Problem # | Version B |
AB D | 1 | AB D |
AB D | 2 | B |
B | 3 | AB D |
B | 4 | B |
C | 5 | C |
B | 6 | C |
C | 7 | B |
A | 8 | A |
A | 9 | D |
D | 10 | A |
The bonus point on this quiz was bubbling in your student ID, as stated in the instructions.
11/18: Reviewing forces and plate tectonics
Warm up
A force is a ________________ between to objects or systems of objects.
Textbook review
- 15 minutes: Read/skim through the pages below on your own, taking notes as you go (including questions you are not sure of). Include sketches!
- 25 minutes: With your group, review your notes, sharing and adding to your notes.
- You will get credit for your notes: 1 page = C; 1-2 pages = B; 2-3 pages = A
- Forces: Pages 356-364 & 370-371
- Plate tectonics: Pages 676-683
Exit ticket
Name the properties needed for each of the following two forces that act at without contact: Gravity and electromagnetic.
Answers to warm up and exit ticket
- A force is an interaction between two objects.
- Gravity requires objects to have mass (which all objects have!) and electromagnetic force requires objects to have charge (positive or negative).
11/15: Quiz on Forces and force diagrams
Due today:
- Bookends for the week
- Drawing force diagrams worksheet
- Any notes from yesterday’s Kahoot! (if you took them).
Please staple these together in the order show above.
Warm up
When drawing force diagrams, how do you decide to draw your arrows?
Today’s agenda
- Complete the warm up, including listing three things you learned this week. Write one complete sentence for each.
- 15 minutes for questions before the quiz.
- Work with your group to develop three questions you want answered, listed by priority (5 minutes).
- We will go around the room and each table will be able to ask one question and have it answered (10 minutes).
- Quiz on forces and force diagrams.
Warm up answer
- The length of the arrow corresponds to the strength of the force, so stronger forces get longer arrows.
- The arrowhead shows the direction of the force.
- The arrow always starts on the dot )even if a force is pushing the object).
11/14 Review for quiz
Here are resources we used:
OK Go video showing how we can have ‘apparent’ weightlessness while in an airplane.
10/22 Identifying circuits that will work
Look at the circuits below. In only one of them will the bulb be lit. Sketch the one circuit that will work, and explain how it is different than the others.

- Circuit A will not work because the switch is open.
- Circuit B will not work because the switch is open and there is a wire missing on the top left side.
- Circuit C will not work because there is a small gap in the wire between the bulb and the magnet wire.
- Circuit D will work!
- Cicuit E will not work because it is missing a battery, so there is no energy in the circuit.