Education resources

Here are some posts with education resources you may find useful during out COVID-19 self quarantine period (or any time).

Posts in this category

March 28

Zooniverse: Help science and social science researchers from your own computer

screenshot showing four Zooniverse projects

Looking for an opportunity to sit at your computer (not sure if this works well on a phone) and help out life/physical/social scientists? Zooniverse has multiple projects you can join and do actual work. Most projects are tasks that are difficult for computers to automatically complete–the human eye is still…Read More

March 28

Video: “history of the entire world, i guess”

image from video 'history of the world, i guess'

An humorous video showing the history of the universe. It is mostly correct, although simplified and abbreviated in order to make 12 billion years fit into 20 minutes. The first half focuses on science history, the second on cultural/political/religious history. Caution: This video includes words like ‘h***’ and ‘f***.’ It…Read More