2/28 PotU: Momentum review and mousetrap car construction

Contents of this post

Warm up

You don’t need to copy the question, just write down the information (with units) and show your calculation.

How much momentum does a 800 kg car moving at 2 m/s (about 5 MPH)? How about a 80 kg cyclist (and bike) riding at a 20 m/s (about 40 MPH)?

Record three things you learned this week. Each must be a complete sentence.


  • Car: 800 kg * 2 m/s = 1,600 kgm/s
  • Cyclist: 80 kg * 20 m/s = 1,600 kgm/s

Class work

  1. Complete the Momentum review/practice sheet and turn in.
  2. Continue building your mousetrap car.
  3. Complete the work on Page 4 of your packet.
    • Page 4 is due for a stamp at the start of Monday.

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