We’ll keep learning physics while we are home; I’ll be posting assignments and resources online daily.
Contents of this post
General Resources
Zoom meetings
- Starting on Tuesday, I will hold a Question and Answer session via Zoom (an online video platform) from Noon until 1:00. (If I get too many AP and 9th grade students, I may break into two sessions, one at noon and one at 1:00, but I’ll announce that later if it happens.)
- Zoom requires an app for your computer or phone, but the company has a great reputation and is not full of ‘bloatware.’
- You can visit Zoom on the web here, or using a phone app you can enter this Meeting ID: 569-283-4396
- I think you need to create a Zoom account to join a meeting but you can use your login in the future as well. I suggest you create a Zoom account even if you aren’t required to.
- Due to the COVID1-19 emergency, Zoom is allowing free student and teacher upgraded accounts for the rest of the spring.
Flipping Physics AP website
The author of Flipping Physics just finished his complete AP Physics 1 lectures and lecture notes (as well as some AP 1 reviews that you can use just before the test). I’ll be relying on this heavily to provide you with the lecture side of the class.
Section by section textbook readings and help
I will be posting online tools to help with understanding each section, so keep an eye out here if you have questions (I’ll add links below for each section as I create them.
- 8.1: Torque
- 8.2: Torque and the two conditions for equilibrium
- 8.3: The center of gravity
- 8.4: Examples of objects in equilibrium
- 8.5: Relationship between torque and angular acceleration
- 8.6: Rotational kinetic energy
- 8.7 Angular momentum
You may also post questions on the bottom of each section post, and I will answer them there.If you with to email me, I will answer your email as well as posting the question and answer on the corresponding section page.
A preview challenge
Look at the following round objects below. In which order do you think they will reach the bottom? Click the image to watch them roll.
- Blue is a solid cylinder
- Green is a hollow cylinder
- Tan is a solid sphere
- Red is a hollow sphere