Please check-in with me in two ways:
- The initial Learning from Home survey, for those of you who have not so already:
- AP focused Zoom times:
- The day on this poll says Thursday, but just pay attention to the times. I’ll be on Mon-Fri on the most popular time.
- I will be providing a Zoom hour for only AP Physics students. If you have not complete a Doodle poll before, you can check off all the times that work for you (there is one evening time). If a time works, but you would prefer not to use that time, you can select “If need be” to let me that you could make that time if that works best for the class.
- I’ll set up the AP Physics review as the time that works for most students.
I am still available from 11:00-1:00 Mon-Fri on Zoom.

If you would like to enroll in TheExpertTA to complete the practice problems there (which I recommend highly), follow this link: TheExpertTA provides problems with hints and solutions.
TheExpertTA is supposed to be free for this semester; please let me know if it ask for you to pay.
I will also continue to post “Flipping Physics” videos that provide both lecture presentations and problems with solutions. Each problem I will write out, then you can try it out yourself, then follow the video and see if you got it correct.
Remember that in our Pass/No Pass grading system, it’s more about keeping yourself present and trying than worrying about what grade you will get. Given all of your grades for the third quarter, none of you should be worried about not passing unless you completely disappear.