3/10 PotU: Mousetrap car testing.

Warm up:

Two parts: Calculate the speed of a car that traveled 2.7 m in 3.5 s. Calculate the average of 3.2m/s, 4.2m/s, and 3.7m/s.

You must have all the information written, show the equation you used, and your answer (must be correct) to get a stamp today. Have your Page 7 of the mouse trap car out as well.


  • Speed: 2.7 m ÷ 3.5 s = 0.77 m/s
  • Average: (3.2+4.2+3.7) ÷ 3 = 3.7 m/s

Today’s work

Your car should be ready to go. Before the end of the period, you need to:

  • Run your car for three trials.
    • Record the time and distance your car traveled.
    • Record notes describing the motion of your car.
  • Calculate each trial’s speed and averages.
  • Turn in your 1/4 sheet (one per group) describing what each member of your group did. If you had three members of your group, add the third person’s information on the back.
    • Remember, claiming credit for someone else’s work is plagiarism and has negative academic consequences.

Don’t forget Honors photo project, due tomorrow by midnight. TurnItIn instructions are on the web page for the project.

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